PASTORS GERRY & TOBY LEBLANC have a wealth of experience in church ministry, having pastored in various locations around New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec, Canada. Their vision is to grow a church that reaches this generation for Christ. They are passionate about bringing people to Jesus and seeing families strengthened and empowered.


We exist to be faith-filled Christians who co-labour together with and for Jesus and the Holy Spirit in order to build and establish a large, strong and healthy church, which glorifies God.

  • A Church that is focused on the lost, saving souls for heaven through the cross, and the name of Jesus Christ.
  • A Church that invests in the coming generations, yet reaches all peoples.
  • A Church that is salt and light, showing the love and power of Christ by serving and impacting the community.
  • A Church that encourages believers into unity, maturity, and wholeness, to be Kingdom people, growing in grace, bearing the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit.
  • A Church that prays and worships God, desiring to see His Kingdom established on the earth!

Our vision is expressed in the 4 B's

  • Believe – to see souls saved
  • Belong – belonging to the body of Christ
  • Become – growing into unity, maturity and wholeness
  • Build – to worship and glorify God